Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming

Johnathan Smart
May 4, 2023


Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming




Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming

Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming. CEO Joseph Collins, Jr. is making a bold call for an increase in Black programming on television. He believes that it is critical for the industry to create more content that resonates with and celebrates African American culture. This call comes as part of his overall mission to create more opportunities for African Americans in the entertainment industry.

Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming


Collins, whose network specializes in urban-focused programming, has spent over 30 years pushing for increased diversity in the entertainment industry. He believes that by creating more opportunities for African Americans, the industry can better reflect their unique experiences. “Black stories are not only entertaining, but they are educational and inspirational as well,” he said. “We must invest in television programs and feature films that show the beauty of our culture.”


In addition to increasing Black representation on the network, Collins also wants to focus on quality programming that will engage viewers both nationally and internationally. “We want our viewers to be able to connect with our programs on an emotional level. We want them to feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselve. Something that celebrates their culture and heritage while still being accessible to everyone,” he stated. Urban TV Network is creating more opportunities for Black creatives. Showing the world that our stories can be just as powerful, inspiring and entertaining as any other.”

Collins also wants to see more opportunities for African American actors and directors in Hollywood. He believes people of color behind the scenes will help create more authentic stories. But will empower those who have historically been marginalized in the industry. “We need to ensure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to succeed,” he said.



Ultimately, Collins hopes his efforts will inspire change within the entertainment industry. He plans on fostering an environment where everyone feels represented by what they see on television or in movies. “It’s time we take steps towards making sure Black voices are heard within all forms of media,” he said. “As an African American, I am passionate about bringing diverse voices and stories to life.

Collins’ call is being met with enthusiasm from many in the entertainment industry. Not only does it create more opportunities for more African American talent, but it also allows them to showcase their unique culture and experiences on a larger platform.


Urban TV Network is already taking steps to make this vision a reality. The network recently announced its $2.5 billion Private Placement for acquisitions. The company plans to set aside half a billion dollars for the development of new original film and television programs.

Joseph Collins, Jr’s commitment to creating more opportunities for African Americans in television is commendable. By increasing Black programming on Urban TV Network, he is helping create a platform where everyone can see themselves represented on screen. Providing access to unique stories that are often neglected by mainstream media.


Be a part of this exciting new chapter in the life of the company. Producers with unique, original projects are encouraged to submit content at https://www.URBT.com

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Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming


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    andrea mitchell

    September 5, 2024 at 4:52 am

    In conclusion, Joseph Collins Jr.’s call for increased representation in Black television programming reflects a crucial commitment to diversity and authenticity in the media landscape. By advocating for more inclusive storytelling, Collins is not only addressing a significant gap in representation but also empowering underrepresented voices within the industry. His leadership at Urban TV Network offers a promising step toward a more equitable and vibrant television experience that resonates with a broader audience, ultimately enriching the cultural narrative.

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    victor perry

    September 5, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    In conclusion, Joseph Collins Jr.’s call for increased representation in Black television programming signifies a pivotal moment for the industry. His commitment to enhancing diversity not only addresses longstanding disparities but also enriches the cultural narrative on screen. As the CEO of Urban TV Network, Collins is paving the way for more authentic storytelling that resonates with Black audiences while fostering greater inclusivity across the television landscape. This bold initiative promises to inspire future creators and uplift voices that have long been underrepresented, ultimately transforming the viewing experience for all.

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    helen reed

    September 6, 2024 at 12:52 pm

    Joseph Collins Jr.’s bold call for increased representation in Black television programming marks a pivotal moment for the Urban TV Network and the broader media landscape. His commitment to amplifying diverse voices not only enriches storytelling but also fosters a deeper understanding of Black culture and experiences. As the industry continues to evolve, Collins’ vision serves as an inspiring reminder of the importance of inclusivity and representation in shaping a more equitable media environment for all.

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    Sherri Hughes

    September 6, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    Joseph Collins Jr.’s call for increased representation in Black television programming underscores a critical need for diversity and inclusivity in media. As the CEO of Urban TV Network, his efforts aim to amplify Black voices and stories, ensuring they resonate with a wider audience. By advocating for more authentic representations, Collins not only challenges the status quo but also inspires a new generation of creators to embrace and celebrate their identities. His bold vision could pave the way for a richer, more diverse television landscape, ultimately enriching the viewing experience for everyone.

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    Edna Hughes

    September 6, 2024 at 10:37 pm

    Joseph Collins Jr.’s bold call for increased representation in Black television programming highlights a critical need for diversity and authenticity in the media landscape. By advocating for more inclusive storytelling, Collins is not only challenging the status quo but also paving the way for richer narratives that reflect the complexities of Black experiences. His leadership at Urban TV Network serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of representation in shaping cultural conversations and fostering a more equitable entertainment industry. As audiences increasingly demand content that resonates with their identities, Collins’ vision could transform the future of television for the better.

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    charlotte bailey

    September 6, 2024 at 11:06 pm

    In conclusion, Joseph Collins Jr.’s call for increased representation in Black television programming underscores a critical movement towards inclusivity and diversity in the media landscape. By advocating for more authentic narratives and voices within the industry, Collins not only addresses existing disparities but also paves the way for richer storytelling that resonates with a broader audience. The Urban TV Network’s commitment to this vision reflects a significant shift towards fostering a more equitable television environment, one that celebrates the richness of Black culture and creates opportunities for underrepresented talent.