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Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr. Slams Haley Over Civil War Response

With all due respect, GOP Presidential candidate Nikki Haley is confused about the cause of the Civil War, says Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr.



Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr. Slams Haley Over Civil War Response. Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins, Jr. has unleashed a scathing critique against his opponent, Haley, specifically targeting her response to issues related to the Civil War. In a fiery statement, Collins Jr. did not hold back, accusing Haley of being part of the political elite and asserting that she is disconnected from the realities faced by the American people.


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He contends that her handling of the Civil War topic reflects a broader pattern of detachment from the concerns and sentiments of ordinary citizens. Collins Jr.’s choice to label her as part of the “elites” underscores his effort to position himself as a champion for the common people, drawing a sharp contrast between his approach and what he perceives as Haley’s out-of-touch demeanor. This bold criticism adds a layer of intensity to the ongoing political discourse, as both candidates vie for public favor in the lead-up to the election.

Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr. Slams Haley Over Civil War Response

Former U.N. Ambassador and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who has regularly turned in solid debate performances and avoided any notable mistakes on the campaign trail until now, has drawn intense criticism from across the political spectrum for her controversial and raceless portrayal of a racially-motivated conflict resulting in over 600,000 American deaths.

Haley Unwilling to Offend Anyone by Telling the Truth

On Wednesday, in the first of five town hall events in New Hampshire, a voter asked Haley, “What was the cause of the United States Civil War?”


In view of the fact that she was born in South Carolina, the first state to secede from the Union, and later served six years as the state’s governor, the answer should’ve been straightforward.

Haley, aiming to close the gap with Trump in the upcoming primary, remarked that the question was not easy.

Then came the white-washed political gaffe. Haley answered, “I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was gonna run, the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do.”


The former South Carolina governor then asked what he believed to be the war’s impetus. He refused to answer, declaring that Haley, not him, was running for president. She said, “I think it always comes down to the role of government and what the rights of the people are.” Haley added, “I will always stand by the fact that I think government was intended to secure the rights and freedoms of the people. It was never meant to be all things to all people.”

The man criticized Haley’s 2023 responses for not mentioning slavery, stating it was astonishing that they did not mention it.

Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins Jr. Slams Haley Over Civil War Response

“In the year 2023, it’s astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery,” the voter said.


“What do you want me to say about slavery?,” Haley then asked

“You answered my question,” he responded. 

“Next question,” Haley said as attendees applauded.


GOP Views Slavery as a Distraction

While Republican strategists are doubtful the seemingly intentional omission of slavery will be a decisive factor for her campaign, they acknowledge it’s a distraction that doesn’t help.

Republican strategist Rina Shah argued that while it was a “serious mistake,” it likely wouldn’t tip the scales in the primary.

“What it does is it’s an unnecessary fumble for her at a time when she doesn’t need something like this,” said Republican strategist Ron Bonjean.


The question “definitely caught Haley off guard,” Bonjean said. He stated that she made correct comments in her clarification but wished she had addressed it sooner.

Leading Voices of Color Rebuke Haley’s Comments

The backlash we’re seeing at this time from Haley being unwilling “to offend anyone by telling the truth” isn’t new. Many Americans mistakenly believed that electing Barack Obama in 2008 eradicated racism. Afterward, Donald Trump became President.

CNN political commentator Van Jones portrayed Trump’s 2016 election victory as a “whitelash against a changing country, a whitelash against a Black president.”


As Trump, the Republican Party’s frontrunner, seeks to become the second president to serve non-consecutive terms in office, Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison said he is “disgusted” but “not surprised,” calling Haley’s remarks a “slap in the face to Black voters.”

“This isn’t hard: condemning slavery is the baseline for anyone who wants to be President of the United States, but Nikki Haley and the rest of the MAGA GOP are choking on their words trying to rewrite history,” Harrison said.

For Democrats, the moment underscores the challenges the GOP still faces in reaching Black voters. It wasn’t only Democrats who criticized the former South Carolina governor, however.


Libertarian presidential candidate Joseph Collins, Jr. blasted Haley as an elitist, adding that “elitism is causing a disconnect with the American people.”

Collins believes Haley’s comments indicate that “we can expect underrepresentation in the upcoming election.” He added, “She will not be able to meet the needs of the American people.”

Failure to Educate is Bad For America

Haley claims to know what the war was principally about. Still, many Americans lack knowledge about the war’s primary purpose due to whitewashing, inexperience, and discomfort in naming racial truths and context-fluctuating political responses.


The inadequacy in imparting comprehensive education about our nation’s racial history to students in K-12 schools and higher education institutions has significant implications. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s 2018 Teaching Hard History report revealed that only 8% of high school seniors understood slavery as the primary cause of the Civil War. Nearly half believed it was about taxation.

Collins is in favor of revamping the educational system. Read more about Joseph Collins Jr.’s campaign principles.

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Presidential Candidate Joseph Collins, Jr. Slams Haley Over Civil War Response.



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