As the United States grapples with a deepening housing crisis, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) finds itself confronting formidable threats. Neglected neighborhoods, skyrocketing...
Browns Presidency at Ladera Toastmasters. In the domain of public speaking, few figures are as esteemed and influential as Joy Brown. Renowned both as an author...
In the realm of America’s landscape, the Department of Transportation (DOT) faces major challenges addressing transportation threats and the integrity of the nation’s infrastructure. However, amidst...
Joseph Collins Jr Stand on Abortion: A Key Issue in the 2024 Campaign. The 2024 presidential campaign has been marked by robust discussions on a variety...
Joseph Collins Jr Shifts Libertarian Conversation in Alabama. In a groundbreaking turn of events at the recent Libertarian Alabama Presidential Debate, Joseph Collins Jr. emerged as...
Impending Changes to SNAP Benefits: Millions of Americans Face a $3 Billion Reduction In March of this year, millions of Americans are set to experience a...
CCSJ Charter Authority Approves Thea Bowman Leadership Academy’s Charter Change and $8 Million School Expansion Download the URBT News App from your App store. Apple / Andriod GARY, IN –...
Is lack of effective community a reason for universal crime?
Dangerous Flower LLC has risen from the concrete to shine a beacon of hope amidst the darkness on the silent epidemic of domestic violence.
This article explores the indomitable spirit and enduring strength of strong black women.
California Bracing for Hurricane Hilary. This is not a joke, nor a political stunt. Severe weather will hit California this weekend. Hurricane Hilary has been upgraded...
Homeless Brave Grandmother Gabrielle (Auset) Wilson & Baby Kali. Many grandparents across the U.S., that responsibility takes a very literal form becoming legal guardians and caregivers...
Tina Turner will live forever, the music world recently lost a legend, but her legacy will live on forever. Tina Turner’s powerful voice and electrifying performances...
Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming. CEO Joseph Collins, Jr. is making a bold...
Joseph Collins Jr. Exemplifies the American Dream as CEO of Urban TV Network Corp.