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She’s A Dangerous Flower

Dangerous Flower LLC has risen from the concrete to shine a beacon of hope amidst the darkness on the silent epidemic of domestic violence.

Cherelle Lenise



She’s A Dangerous Flower

She’s A Dangerous Flower. Behind closed doors, a silent epidemic rages on, affecting millions of lives each year. Domestic violence, often shrouded in secrecy, has the power to shatter families and leave scars that last a lifetime. Yet, amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope shines – Dangerous Flower, LLC. This dedicated non-profit organization is on a mission to change the narrative, providing a lifeline for those trapped in the cycle of abuse and working tirelessly to create a world free from domestic violence or at least be a light in the world to help those snared in this vicious cycle transition securely to safety.


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She’s A Dangerous Flower

Dangerous Flower CEO – Jo’nise Collins

CEO Jo’Nise Collins established Dangerous Flower, LLC in 2019. Jo’Nise is not just a woman of business but a woman of survival. Her testimony of surviving abuse is not only eye-opening but also reveals the courageous woman she was always meant to be. Her journey with domestic violence is a testament that your spouse does not always have to put you in danger to abuse you physically. The invisible wounds –psychological, emotional, and mental abuse are in the same family as physical abuse but much more insidious. Initially, these wounds are invisible to those unaware of the type of snare or stronghold that can be impossible to break free from. 

Domestic Violence is a Snare

Jo’Nise’s transparency about what led her into the snare of domestic violence is no stranger to others who find themselves in the same scenario. She accredits seeking external validation to explain why she stayed in a toxic relationship and what eventually became a marriage.

It is human nature that we all may desire love, acceptance, and safety, which is no crime at all. How would you feel if you believed the one who has sworn to love, honor, provide, and protect you turns around just as soon you are comfortable, only to betray your trust? Imagine being with someone who has promised emotional and physical security and breaks it at every turn. Many have asked the million-dollar question,’’ Why would she stay?’’ Domestic violence is a snare that does not play fair. A trap that is equivalent to domestic violence is being ensnared in a bear trap. It’s hidden well to catch the bait, and once caught, it is extremely difficult to break from its grasp.

She’s A Dangerous Flower

Jo’Nise’s journey is a mirror of what many women are experiencing all over the world. An estimated 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have experienced physical violence by an intimate partner. Intimate partner violence is a leading cause of female homicides in many countries. On average, nearly three women are killed by a current or former partner daily in the United States. Domestic violence is vastly underreported. Only about 20% of victims report their abuse to authorities. Many factors, such as fear, financial dependence, or lack of support, contribute to underreporting.

Jo’Nise Collins’ Hope

Jo’Nise has an irreversible hope in the GOD she serves. She hopes to help millions and millions of people who have been impacted by domestic violence. She hopes to not only educate millions of people in her wake of the effects of domestic violence but also to be financially granted by the government to build an internal and external transition house that can assist victims with resources as they transition from an abusive environment to a healthy one. Dangerous Flower, LLC offers adult classes, job placement assistance, childcare assistance, and court partnering. If you’d like to partner with Jo’Nise’s vision of helping families, she humbly accepts generous donations. To stay connected with Jo’Nise Collins or Dangerous Flower, LLC, please email her at or

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She’s A Dangerous Flower.

