Whatever Happened to Kevin Spacey Since His Legal Troubles? Kevin Spacey, once a Hollywood titan, faced a dramatic fall from...
Hollywood’s Wage Gap – Taraji P Henson Candid Revelation – In the dazzling world of Hollywood, where dreams are spun into reality on the silver screen,...
Renowned Producer Norman Lear dies at 101 years of age. The world mourns the loss of a visionary and humanitarian.
Andrea Ward is a queen of many talents and gifts. She is a film producer, writer and CEO of Redemption Images. (PICTURE: Andrea Ward. PHOTO: COURTESY...
Urban TV Network CEO Joseph Collins Jr. Makes a Bold Call for Increased Representation in Black Television Programming. CEO Joseph Collins, Jr. is making a bold...
Joseph Collins Jr. Exemplifies the American Dream as CEO of Urban TV Network Corp.
Major Media Acquisition May Solidify URBT As Entertainment Giant. Urban TV Network Corp. (URBT) is raising 2.5 billion dollars to fund major media acquisitions. The company...
Urban TV Network Corp. (URBT) recently announced its $2.5 billion Private Placement for acquisitions and film & television production.
Raquel Welch’s Passing sends shockwaves around the world. It is with deep sadness and profound condolences to her family, friends, fans and loved ones that the...
Irene Cara Dead at 63 – Cara’s death was announced by her family on social media. “It is with deepest regret that we announce the passing...
“We are very excited to announce the participation of these incredible producers at The African Film Showcase... Gee-Bee, Dwayne and Kesan are highly regarded in the...