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How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive Using Rufus: A Step-by-Step Guide



How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive

How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive. A Step-by-Step Guide.

Burning an ISO file to a USB drive is essential for creating bootable media for installing operating systems, running live systems, or repairing your computer. Rufus is one of the most popular and efficient tools for this purpose, especially for Windows users. This guide will walk you through the process.

How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive. A Step-by-Step Guide.


What You’ll Need – How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive :

  • A Windows PC
  • A USB drive with at least 4 GB of storage (all data on the drive will be erased)
  • An ISO file of the operating system or software you wish to burn
  • Rufus software (free and lightweight)

A) Step 1: Download and Install Rufus

  1. Visit the Rufus website:
  2. Download Rufus:
    • Scroll down to the “Download” section.
    • Choose the latest version and click the link to download Rufus. It’s a portable application, so no installation is required.
  3. Run Rufus:
    • Locate the downloaded Rufus executable file (usually in your Downloads folder).
    • Double-click the file to launch Rufus. If prompted by Windows User Account Control (UAC), click “Yes” to allow the program to run.

B) Step 2: Insert Your USB Drive

  1. Plug in your USB drive:
    • Insert your USB drive into one of your computer’s USB ports.
    • Make sure to back up any important data on the drive, as the process will erase everything on it.
  2. Select the USB drive in Rufus:
    • In Rufus, under the “Device” section, select the USB drive you’ve inserted. Ensure you’ve selected the correct drive, as all data on it will be wiped.

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C) Step 3: Select the ISO File

  1. Choose your ISO file:
    • In Rufus, click the “SELECT” button next to “Boot selection.”
    • Browse your computer to find the ISO file you want to burn, and click “Open.”

D) Step 4: Configure the Settings

  1. Partition Scheme:
    • Under the “Partition scheme,” select either MBR (Master Boot Record) for older BIOS systems or GPT (GUID Partition Table) for UEFI systems. Most modern systems use GPT.
  2. File System:
    • Rufus will automatically choose the correct file system, typically FAT32 for most ISO files. You can leave this as is.
  3. Volume Label:
    • Rufus will automatically generate a volume label based on the ISO file. You can change it if you prefer.
  4. Check Other Options:
    • Ensure the options “Quick format” and “Create extended label and icon files” are checked.
    • For advanced users, Rufus also offers other options under the “Advanced format options,” but these are usually not necessary.

E) Step 5: Start the Process

  1. Click “START”:
    • Once everything is set, click the “START” button to begin the process.
  2. Confirm the Warning:
    • Rufus will warn you that all data on the USB drive will be destroyed. Click “OK” to confirm and proceed.
  3. Wait for the process to complete:
    • Rufus will now burn the ISO file to the USB drive. The process might take a few minutes, depending on the size of the ISO file and the speed of your USB drive.
    • Once the process is complete, Rufus will display a “READY” message.

F) Step 6: Safely Eject the USB Drive

  1. Close Rufus:
    • Once the burning process is complete, close the Rufus application.
  2. Eject the USB Drive:
    • Safely eject your USB drive by right-clicking on the USB drive icon in the taskbar and selecting “Eject.”

G) Step 7: Use Your Bootable USB Drive

Your USB drive is now ready to serve as a bootable device. You can use it to install an operating system, run a live session, or troubleshoot your computer.

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  • Ensure Compatibility: Before burning the ISO file, make sure it’s compatible with your system (UEFI or BIOS).
  • Backup Your Data: Back up your important files from the USB drive before starting, since this process erases all data.
  • Test the USB Drive: After creating the bootable USB drive, you might want to test it by booting from it on your computer to ensure it works as expected.

This guide should help you confidently burn an ISO file to a USB drive using Rufus. Whether you’re creating installation media or a recovery drive, Rufus makes the process straightforward and quick. Happy burning!

How to Burn an ISO File to a USB Drive –


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